H3 Kontakt zum Thema

Prof.in Dr. Birgit Weber
Prof.in Dr. Birgit Weber

- Studiendekanin der Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultaet

- Vorsitzende der Pruefungsausschuesse der Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultaet

- Vorsitzende des Gemeinsamen Pruefungsausschusses fuer Lehramtsstudiengaenge

- Studiengangsverantwortliche fuer Sozialwissenschaften (HF)

Raum 1.09 (Modulbau Campus Nord)

Herbert-Lewin-Str. 10 (Postanschrift: Gronewaldstr. 2)
Brieffach: 39
50931 Köln

Telefon 0221-470-4929
E-Mail birgit.weber(at)uni-koeln.de

  • Sprechstunden (Registrierung) in der Vorlesungszeit Di 11-12 in digitaler und physischer Präsenz und digital in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit zu den Zeiten des Registrierungslinks. 
  • Kolloquien (Registrierung) zur Beratung von Abschlussarbeiten in der Vorlesungszeit Dienstags ab 18:00 gemäß der Termine des Registrierungslinks - und in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit über den Sprechstundenlink (Registrierung)

Website Kontakt V-Card

Academic Function

Studies and Teaching at University of Cologne

    • Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Human Sciences (UoC) since 2019
    • Chair of Joint Examination Board for teacher Education (UoC) since 2016
    • Deputy of degree program for social science as a subject in teacher education (UoC) since 2017, Head from 2012-2017
    • Moderator of the social science network (internship)


    • Board Member of Interdisciplinary Center for Empirical Research on Teachers and Teaching (UoC) (IZEF )
    • Co-Editor of the Journal of Social Science Education (JSSE)
    • Co-Editor of the Journal of Didactics of Social Sciences (Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Gesellschaftswissenschaften - zdg)
    • Co-Founder of the Institute for Consumer Sciences (Institut für Verbraucherwissenschaften) (co-founder)

Third Mission

Professional Career
  • 2011- professor of social sciences with a focus on economic Education | University of Cologne
  • 2007-2011 professor of social science education | Bielefeld University
  • 1989-2007 scientific assistant for economics and their didactics | University of Siegen
    1996-1997 consultant for quality of teaching | University of Siegen
    1997-2007 managing director at the center for teacher education | University of Siegen
  • 1997 Doctorate on action-oriented economic education: Sustainable Development and World Economic Oder | University of Siegen
  • Studying social sciences (with a focus on economics), art, educational science for secondary level I/II | University of Siegen
Research Interest
  • Economic and socioeconomic Education - including sustainable development, consumer education, culture of entrepreneurship, economic and sozial policy education, global learning,
  • Curriculum Analysis, Curriculum Development, Educational standards in economic education, Integration and Interdisziplinary in Social Science Education
  • Students conceptions about socioeconomic phenomena and challenges