Industrial Labor


  • Industrial Labour in Africa

 In 1972, PEIL (1972:237) concluded from her study on the Ghanaian factory worker that he ,,is becoming modern while maintaining many aspects of his traditional culture. In the process a new variety of ,,industrial man" is developing. Recording this development should be a rewarding task for African industrial sociologists of the next twenty years... [weiterlesen]


  • Nigeria, Workers Participation

 Since the industrial revolution, modern societies have been propelled by basic innovations in industry, and individual firms by improvements on these. The improvements have not only been the work of engineers in research and development departments but to a large extent of workers who have thus made an essential contribution to the technological progress. It is the workers who are in the closest daily contact with technology; an Organisation which does not utilise the technological potential of its workers is therefore wasting one of its major resources... [weiterlesen]


  • Self-Management in Developing Countries

 What basis is there for the introduction of self-management in the developing world? Is it an alien concept to be introduced from the outside, or is there an indigenous basis for it... [weiterlesen]