• May meeting Graduate Student Qualitative Methods Network
    The Graduate Student Qualitative Methods Network´s (GSQMN) next virtual gathering which will take place on May 5th, 19:00 CEST. At this gathering, Hannah Hogarth, a doctoral student from the University of Bath in the UK, will be sharing their dissertation work. The presentation is entitled: "A post-qualitative inquiry exploring the possibilities of/for Play in an Urban Forest School in London, UK."
    The purpose of the Graduate Student Qualitative Methods Network is to create spaces for graduate students to engage in methodological discussions, collaborations, and peer and faculty mentoring across institutions of higher education. This network will offer events where students can learn and share their qualitative research projects and methodological ideas.
    Graduate students and faculty interested in qualitative methods are welcome to join this conversation. You can register here: https://asu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEldu-oqjIqGNBYL_hfrjgINxAmRh68IYFC .
  • "doing research" - workshop talks on qualitative research in teacher training
    The Netzwerk füru qualitative Forschung in der Lehrer*innenbildung or Interdisciplinary network for qualitative research in teacher education was established in the 2020/21 winter semester. Since the 2021/22 winter semester,they have regularly invited participants to workshops on qualitative research under the heading "doing research". Qualitative researchers from the University of Cologne provide practical insights into current, school and teaching-related research projects in educational sciences and subject didactics. Scientists from other disciplines act as discussants. All participants are invited to get involved in order to reflect on and discuss research processes and research findings. The workshop talks are aimed at everyone who is interested in qualitative research: from novices to experts, from students to professors, and are interdisciplinary.
    You can find the programme for the summer semester 2023 here.
  • Call for Papers: Special issue of methods, data, analyses
    The journal mda methods, data, analyses has issued a call for papers for the Special Issue: Exploring the Methodological Choices, Challenges and Solutions in working with New Data Sources. In this Special Issue of methods, data, analyses (mda) the journal wants to explore and promote scholarly reflection and transparency on emerging best practices in the collection, processing, analysis and sharing of new data sources within the research community. In particular, how are social scientists leveraging their methodological skills and techniques to overcome some of the inherent challenges being faced when working with these new data sources? Even more fundamental are the challenges researchers face after data collection and analysis begins. Given both the merits and these known and unknown problems in the collection and analysis of many types of new and emerging data sources there is now an increasing need for researchers to openly confront and interrogate the assumptions and processes followed in working with them.
    The deadline for submission of extended abstracts is May 19th 2023 and you can find more information here.
  • 18. Berliner Methodentreffen
    The 18th Berlin Methods Meeting on Qualitative Research will take place on July 28th and 29th, 2023 at the Freie Universität Berlin. You can find information about the programme here and you can register here.
    With a total of around 500 participants, the Berlin Methods Meeting on Qualitative Research is the largest annual event on qualitative research methods in the German-speaking area. The Berlin Methods Meeting is aimed at everyone who works with qualitative methods in their qualification work (diploma, dissertation, habilitation, etc.) or in their research work and at everyone who is generally interested in qualitative research. The aim of the Berlin Methods Meeting is to offer a form of advice, discussion and information with the widest possible range of coordinated events and offers (lectures, research workshops, poster sessions, workshops and informal meetings). The work with qualitative methods is supported, in particular by including the research data/materials brought in by the participants.