Literaturliste: Kersten Reich

diversity und Lernen: Heterogene Lehr- und Lerngruppen als Herausforderung

  • Bernstein, R.J. (1998): Community in the Pragmatic Tradition. In: Dickstein, M. (ed.): The Revival of Pragmatism. Durham and London (Duke University Press).
  • Bourdieu, P./Passeron, J.-C.: Illusion der Chancengleichheit. Frankfurt a.M. (Suhrkamp) 1971
  • Campbell, James (1992): The Community Reconstructs. The Meaning of Pragmatic Social Thought. Urbana & Chicago (University of Illinois Press).
  • Caspary, William R. (2000): Dewey on Democracy. Ithaca and London (Cornell University Press).
  • Dickstein, Morris (1998, ed.): The Revival of Pragmatism. New Essays on Social Thought, Law, and Culture. Durham, London (Duke University Press).
  • Eldridge, M. (1998): Transforming Experience. John Dewey’s Cultural Instrumentalism. Nashville (Vanderbilt University Press).
  • Gardner, H.: Frames of Mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York (Basic Books) 199310 a
  • Gardner, H.: Multiple Intelligences: The theory in practice. New York (Basic Books) 1993 b
  • Goodman, R.B. (ed.) (1995): Pragmatism. A Contemporary Reader. New York/London (Routledge).
  • Green, Judith M. (1999): Deep Democracy. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford (Rowman and Littlefield).
  • Haskins, C./Seiple, D.I. (eds.) (1999): Dewey Reconfigured. Albany (State University of New York Press)
  • Hickman, Larry A. (1998, ed.): Reading Dewey – Interpretations for a Postmodern Generation. Bloomington (Indiana University Press).
  • Hickman, L./Neubert, S,/Reich, K. (Hg.) (2004): John Dewey: zwischen Pragmatismus und Konstruktivismus. Reihe: Interaktionistischer Konstruktivismus. Münster (Waxmann).
  • Hollinger, R. (1996): The Dark Side of Liberalism. Westport (Praeger).
  • Hutmacher, W./Cochrane, D./Bottani, N. (Ed.): In Pursuit of Equity in Education. Dordrecht/Boston/London (Kluwer) 2001
  • Langsdorf, L./Smith, A.R. (eds.) (1995): Recovering Pragmatism’s Voice. The Classical Tradition, Rorty, and the Philosophy of Communication. Albany (State University of New York Press).
  • Neubert, Stefan / Reich, Kersten (2001): The Ethnocentric View: Constructivism and the Practice of Intercultural Discourse. In: Cope, Bill / Kalantzis, Mary (eds), Learning for the Future. Proceedings of the Learning Conference 2001. Australia (Common Ground Publishing).
  • Rehg; W./Bohman, J. (eds.) (2001): Pluralism and the Pragmatic Turn. The Transformation of Critical Theory. Cambridge, Massachusetts (MIT Press).
  • Reich, K. (1998 a): Die Ordnung der Blicke. Band 1: Beobachtung und die Unschärfen der Erkenntnis. Neuwied u.a. (Luchterhand).
  • Reich, K. (1998 b): Die Ordnung der Blicke. Band 2: Beziehungen und Lebenswelt. Neuwied u.a. (Luchterhand).
  • Reich, K. (20055): Systemisch-konstruktivistische Pädagogik. Weinheim u.a. (Beltz).
  • Reich, K. (20063): Konstruktivistische Didaktik. Weinheim u.a. (Beltz).
  • Reich, K. (2006, forthcoming): Observers, Participants, and Agents in Discourses – A Consideration of Pragmatist and Constructivist Theories of the Observer. In: Hickman, L./Neubert, S./Reich, K. (eds.): John Dewey – between Pragmatism and Constructivism (in print).
  • Rogoff, B., Goodman Turkanis, C., & Bartlett, L. (2001): Learning together: Children and adults in a school community. New York (Oxford University Press).
  • Rorty, R. (1979): Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. Princeton (Princeton University Press).
  • Rorty, R. (1989): Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. Cambridge and New York (Cambridge University Press).
  • Rorty, R. (1991): Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth. Cambridge MA. (Cambridge University Press).
  • Rorty, R. (1998): Truth and Progress. Cambridge MA. (Cambridge University Press).
  • Schnepf, S.V.(2002): A Sorting Hat that fails? The Transition from Primary to Secondary School in ^ Germany. Innocenti Working Paper No. 92. Florence
  • Shook, J.R. (2000): Dewey’s Empirical Theory of Knowledge and Reality. Nashville ((Vanderbilt University Press).
  • Shook, J.R. (ed.) (2003): Pragmatic Naturalism and Realism. Amherst, New York (Prometheus Books).
  • Shusterman, R.: Dewey on Experience: Foundation or Reconstruction? In: Haskins, C./Seiple, D.I. (Eds.) (1999): Dewey Reconfigured. Albany (State University of New York Press).
  • Stuhr, J.J. (1997): Genealogical Pragmatism. Philosophy, Experience, and Community. Albany (State University of New York Press).