Quizard - Entwicklung und Erprobung eines mobilen Quizspiels für die Lehre und das selbstgeleitete Lernen
Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar kkaspar[uk]uni-koeln.de
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Im Projekt „Quizard“ wurde ein mobiles Quiz-Spiel zum Einsatz in der Lehre entwickelt und getestet, um Studierenden der Universität zu Köln selbstständiges, ortsunabhängiges und mobiles Lernen zu ermöglichen. Denn mobiles Lernen und Lernen mit digitalen Spielen sind bislang - trotz vielversprechender Ergebnisse aus der (medien-)psychologischen und pädagogischen Forschung sowie ermunternder Berichte aus der didaktischen Praxis - kaum Bestandteil praktischer Hochschullehre. Bei der Entwicklung wurden populäre Funktionen kommerzieller Quizspiele berücksichtigt, insbesondere der Wettbewerbsgedanke, indem Studierende ihr Wissen auf spielerische Weise in einem Duell überprüfen. Die Wirkung einzelner Quiz-Funktionen wurde in der Lehre evaluiert, um gezielt in das an der Universität zu Köln genutzte E-Learning System ILIAS integriert zu werden. Somit können Lehrende ihre eigenen Fragen und Kategorien in das Quizspiel einbringen und bearbeiten. Ergebnisse aus begleitenden Feldstudien zeigen, dass das Quiz-Spiel in der Lehre einsetzbar ist, Lernen stimuliert und von Studierenden gerne angenommen wird. English abstract: In the "Quizard" project, a mobile quiz game was developed and tested for use in teaching in order to enable students at the University of Cologne to learn independently, anywhere, and on the move. Despite promising results from (media) psychological and pedagogical research and encouraging reports from didactic practice, mobile learning and learning with digital games have so far hardly been part of practical university teaching. Popular functions of commercial quiz games were taken into account in the development, especially the idea of competition, in which students test their knowledge in a playful way in a duel. The effect of individual quiz functions was evaluated in real teaching scenarios in order to be optimally integrated into the e-learning system ILIAS used at the University of Cologne. Teachers can implement and edit their own questions and categories in the quiz game. Results from accompanying field studies showed that the quiz game can be used in teaching, that learning is stimulated, and that the software is gladly accepted by students.
In the "Quizard" project, a mobile quiz game was developed and tested for use in teaching in order to enable students at the University of Cologne to learn independently, anywhere, and on the move. Despite promising results from (media) psychological and pedagogical research and encouraging reports from didactic practice, mobile learning and learning with digital games have so far hardly been part of practical university teaching. Popular functions of commercial quiz games were taken into account in the development, especially the idea of competition, in which students test their knowledge in a playful way in a duel. The effect of individual quiz functions was evaluated in real teaching scenarios in order to be optimally integrated into the e-learning system ILIAS used at the University of Cologne. Teachers can implement and edit their own questions and categories in the quiz game. Results from accompanying field studies showed that the quiz game can be used in teaching, that learning is stimulated, and that the software is gladly accepted by students.