Professional Sense of Vision – Ein innovatives visuelles Aufmerksamkeitstraining
Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar kkaspar[uk]
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Die visuelle Wahrnehmung ist die wichtigste sensorische Schnittstelle zu unserer Außenwelt. Sie ist Basis der Planung und Ausführung von Handlungen. Expertise im Bereich der visuellen Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung (Professional Sense of Vision) ist daher eine Schlüsselkompetenz. Diese ist für Lehramtsstudierende von großer Bedeutung mit Blick auf ein optimales Classroom Management. Sie ist auch von Bedeutung für Studierende vieler anderer Studiengänge, wenn es z.B. um das Referieren vor Publikum, das Leiten von Gruppenarbeiten oder das Erstellen von optimalen Lernmaterialen, Präsentationen und Postern geht. Um einen Professional Sense of Vision gezielt trainieren zu können, benötigt man Einblicke in das eigene Sehverhalten in realen Handlungskontexten (Unterrichtssituationen, Referate etc.). Dieses machen wir mittels mobiler Eye-Tracking-Technik sichtbar und bringen damit eine Innovation in diverse Lehr- und Lernkontexte. In drei Fakultäten und unterschiedlichen Studiengängen (Lehramt, Psychologie, Intermedia) wird mobiles Eye-Tracking in fachspezifischen Settings angewendet und systematisch evaluiert. Wir forcieren einen niedrigschwelligen Zugang zu dieser neuen Methode und machen das Sehverhalten von Studierenden z.B. in Seminaren direkt beobachtbar und damit zum Gegenstand des Lernens. Am Ende des Projektes wird ein Manual die Anwendung der Methode detailliert beschreiben. Diese Methode wird zudem eine Schlüsselrolle in zukünftigen Virtual-Reality-basierten Lehr-Lernformen (u.a. 3D-Cave) darstellen. English abstract: Visual perception is the most important sensory interface to our outside world. It is the basis for the planning and execution of actions. Expertise in the field of visual attention control (Professional Sense of Vision) is therefore a key competence. This is of great importance for student teachers with respect to optimal classroom management. It is also of importance for students of many other courses, e.g. when it comes to lecturing in front of an audience, leading group work, or creating optimal learning materials, presentations, and posters. In order to train a Professional Sense of Vision in a targeted way, one needs to gain insights into one's own visual behavior in real-life action contexts (teaching situations, presentations, etc.). We make this visible by means of mobile eye-tracking technology and thus bring an innovation into various teaching and learning contexts. In three faculties and different study programs (teaching, psychology, intermedia) mobile eye-tracking is applied in subject-specific settings and systematically evaluated. We force a low-threshold approach to this new method and make the visual behavior of students directly observable, e.g. in seminars, and thus an object of learning. At the end of the project a manual will describe the application of the method in detail. This method will also play a key role in future virtual reality-based forms of teaching and learning (e.g. 3D-Cave).
Visual perception is the most important sensory interface to our outside world. It is the basis for the planning and execution of actions. Expertise in the field of visual attention control (Professional Sense of Vision) is therefore a key competence. This is of great importance for student teachers with respect to optimal classroom management. It is also of importance for students of many other courses, e.g. when it comes to lecturing in front of an audience, leading group work, or creating optimal learning materials, presentations, and posters. In order to train a Professional Sense of Vision in a targeted way, one needs to gain insights into one's own visual behavior in real-life action contexts (teaching situations, presentations, etc.). We make this visible by means of mobile eye-tracking technology and thus bring an innovation into various teaching and learning contexts. In three faculties and different study programs (teaching, psychology, intermedia) mobile eye-tracking is applied in subject-specific settings and systematically evaluated. We force a low-threshold approach to this new method and make the visual behavior of students directly observable, e.g. in seminars, and thus an object of learning. At the end of the project a manual will describe the application of the method in detail. This method will also play a key role in future virtual reality-based forms of teaching and learning (e.g. 3D-Cave).