
Texte des Dewey-Centers Köln

Hier finden sich ausgewählte Arbeiten aus dem Kontext des Dewey-Centers Köln

  • Eröffnungsvorträge zur Gründung des Dewey-Centers 2005
    (werden später veröffentlicht)
  • Kersten Reich: Experimental context and scientific truth: some basic constructivist reflections (PDF 1.487 KB)

    Kommentar: Auf der Basis eines pragmatischen Handlungsbegriffs wird hier am Beispiel des Gefangenendilemmas das Problem der Wahrheit konstruktivistisch diskutiert. Eine etwas abweichende deutsche Fassung findet sich in Kersten Reich: Ordnung der Blicke. Band 2. Kapitel 3. Neuwied u.a. (Luchterhand) 1998
  • Stefan Neubert: Pragmatism and Constructivism in Contempuary Philosophical Discourse (PDF 153 KB)

    Kommentar: Eine kurze und einfache Einführung in wichtige Aspekte des interaktionistischen Konstruktivismus und in seinen Bezügen zum Pragmatismus. Weiterführend siehe das Buch: Hickman, L./Neubert, S./Reich, K. (Hg.): John Dewey - zwischen Pragmatismus und Konstruktivismus. Münster u.a. (Waxmann) 2004

Bücher, die das Verhältnis von Pragmatismus und Interaktionistischen Konstruktivismus thematisieren:

    • Neubert, Stefan (1998): Erkenntnis, Verhalten und Kommunikation. John Deweys Philosophie des „experience“ in interaktionistisch-konstruktivistischer Interpretation. Münster et al. (Waxmann).
    • Garrison, Jim (ed.) (2008): Reconstructing Democracy - Recontextualizing Dewey. Albany (SUNY) 
    • Hickman, L.A., Neubert, S., Reich, K. (eds.) (2009): John Dewey – between Pragmatism and Constructivism. New York (Fordham)
    • Neubert, Stefan (2012): Studien zu Kultur und Erziehung im Pragmatismus und Konstruktivismus. Beiträge zur Kölner Dewey-Forschung und zum interaktionistischen Konstruktivismus. Münster et al. (Waxmann).
    • Green, Judith M., Neubert, Stefan, Reich, Kersten (eds.) (2012): Pragmatism and Diversity - Dewey in the Context of Late 20th Century Debates. New York (Palgrave)
    • Garisson, Jim, Neubert, Stefan, Reich, Kersten (2012): John Dewey’s Philosophy of Education – An Introduction and Recontextualization for Our Times. New York (Palgrave) 
    • Garrison, Jim, Neubert, Stefan, Reich, Kersten (2016): Democracy and Education Reconsidered – Dewey after 100 Years. London/New York (Routledge)
    • Hickman, L./Kricke, M./Neubert, S. (eds.) (2018): Democracy and Education – Theory and Practice in the Age of Renascent Nationalism and Right-Wing Populism. In: International Research in Higher Education, Vol. 3, No. 1.
    • Kricke, Meike & Neubert, Stefan (eds.) (2020): New Studies in Deweyan Education. Democracy and Education Revisited. New York (Routledge)


    • Neubert, Stefan/Reich, Kersten (2006): The Challenge of Pragmatism for Constructivism – Some Perspectives in the Programme of Cologne Constructivism. In: Journal of Speculative Philosophy. New Series, Vol 20 (3), 165-191
    • Reich, Kersten (2007): Interactive Constructivism in Education. In: Education and Culture 23 (1) 2007, 7-26
    • Reich, Kersten (2008): Democracy and Education after Dewey - Pragmatist Implications for Constructivist Pedagogy. In: Garrison, J. (Ed.): Reconstructing Democracy, Recontextualizing Dewey. Pragmatism and Interactive Constructivism in the Twenty-first Century. Albany (SUNY)
    • Neubert, Stefan (2009): Reconstructing Deweyan Pragmatism – A Discussion on Some Recent Publications. In: Educational Theory, Volume 59, Number 3, pp353-369.
    • Neubert, Stefan (2010): Democracy and Education in the Twenty-First Century: Deweyan Pragmatism and the Question of Racism. In: Educational Theory, Volume 60, Number 4, pp487-502.
    • Gavin, W./Neubert, S./Reich, K. (2010): Language and its Discontents: William James, Richard Rorty, and Interactive Constructivism. In: Contemporary Pragmatism, Vol 7, Number 2, December 2010. New York (Rodopi).
    • Neubert, Stefan (2011): Vom Subjekt zur Interaktion. In: Pörksen, Bernhard (Hrsg.): Schlüsselwerke des Konstruktivismus. Wiesbaden (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), S. 397-410.
    • Neubert, Stefan / Reich, Kersten (2011): “Reconstruction of Philosophy and Inquiry into Human Affairs: Deweyan Pragmatism in Dialogue with the Postmodern Sociology of Zygmunt Bauman.” In: Green, Judith M. / Neubert, Stefan / Reich, Kersten (eds.): Pragmatism and Diversity – Dewey in the Context of Late Twentieth Century Debates. New York (Palgrave Macmillan), pp127-163.
    • Neubert, Stefan (2013): „Konstruktivismus, Demokratie und Multikultur – Konstruktivistische Überlegungen zu ausgewählten theoretischen Grundlagen der anglo-amerikanischen Multikulturalismusdebatte.“ In: Neubert, Stefan / Roth, Hans-Joachim / Yildiz, Erol (eds.): Multikulturalität in der Diskussion. Neuere Beiträge zu einem umstrittenen Konzept. 3. Aufl. Wiesbaden (Springer), pp63-99.
    • Kricke, Meike / Neubert, Stefan (2016): “Inclusive Education as a Democratic Challenge – Ambivalences of Communities in Contexts of Power” (edited by Paul Standish and SunInn Yun). In: Education Sciences, 7, 12, Basel (open access), pp1-14.
    • Garrison, Jim, Neubert, Stefan, Reich, Kersten (2016): Complexity and Reductionism in Educational Philosophy—John Dewey’s Critical Approach in ‘Democracy and Education’ Reconsidere. In: Educational Philosophy and Theory, DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2016.1150802
    • Garrison, Jim, Neubert, Stefan, Reich, Kersten (2017): The Social as the “Inclusive Philosophic Idea” of Democracy and Education: Some Constructivists Reflections. In: Waks, L.J./Englisch, A.R. (Eds.): John Dewey’s Democracy and Education. A Centennial Handbook. New York (Cambridge University Press)
    • Garrison, Jim / Neubert, Stefan (2018): “Constructivist and Inclusive Education – Exclusion and the Present Crisis of Democracy.” In: Hickman, Larry A. / Kricke, Meike / Neubert, Stefan (eds.): Democracy and Education – Theory and Practice in the Age of Renascent Nationalism and Right-Wing Populism. In: International Research in Higher Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Sciedu Press: Special Issue), pp56-69.
    • Kricke, Meike / Neubert, Stefan (2018): “Constructivism, Inclusion, Democracy and Education – A Deweyan reflection on the Concept of the Cologne International Teacher Education Laboratory.” In: Hickman, Larry A. / Kricke, Meike / Neubert, Stefan (eds.): Democracy and Education – Theory and Practice in the Age of Renascent Nationalism and Right-Wing Populism. In: International Research in Higher Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Sciedu Press: Special Issue), pp23-40.
    • Neubert, Stefan / Reich, Kersten (2018): “Fake News and Alternative Facts – A Constructivist Critique of the Current Right-Wing Populist Will to Truth.” In: Hickman, Larry A. / Kricke, Meike / Neubert, Stefan (eds.): Democracy and Education – Theory and Practice in the Age of Renascent Nationalism and Right-Wing Populism. In: International Research in Higher Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Sciedu Press: Special Issue), pp70-76.
    • Reich, Kersten (2018): The Helios School – Inclusive University School in the City of Cologne. In: International Research in Higher Education, Vol. 3, No. 1
    • Reich, Kersten (2019): From Pragmatism to Interactive Constructivism. In: Pfadenhauer, M. & Knoblauch, H. (eds.): Social Constructivism as Paradigm? The Legacy of The Social Construction of Reality. London and New York: Routledge.
    • Neubert, Stefan (2020): “Foucault’s Technologies of the Self as a Theoretical Tool for Extending Dewey’s Cultural Contextualism – An Interpretation From the Perspective of Cologne Constructivism.” In: Kricke, Meike / Neubert, Stefan (eds.): New Studies in Deweyan Education. Democracy and Education Revisited. New York, London (Routledge), pp125-141.
    • Kricke, Meike / Neubert, Stefan (2020): “Inclusive Education as a Democratic Challenge – Ambivalences of Communities in Contexts of Power.” In: Kricke, Meike / Neubert, Stefan (eds.): New Studies in Deweyan Education. Democracy and Education Revisited. New York, London (Routledge), pp49-69.
    • Neubert, Stefan / Reich, Kersten (2023): “Technologies and Sustainability – Challenges for Democracy and Education in Our Time.” In: Contemporary Pragmatism (in preparation).