"Educational Professionalism, Migration, and Multilingualism in Canada, Germany, Greece and the USA" – Projektpublikationen:


  • Panagiotopoulou, J. A., Rosen, L., Strzykala, J., Fißmer, J. & Neubert, T. (2020). German Schools Abroad: Teachers’ views on translanguaging and emerging research perspectives on children’s language biographies and educational professionalization. In: Panagiotopoulou, J. A. et al. (Eds.): Inclusion, Education and Translanguaging: How to Promote Social Justice in (Teacher) Education? Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 185–202.
  • Panagiotopoulou, J. A./Rosen, L. (2019): Views on migration-related multilingualism - perspectives of Greek language teachers at complementary schools in Canada. In: Panagiotopoulou, J. A./Rosen, L./Kirsch, C./Chatzidaki, A. (Eds.) (2019): ‘New' Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada: A ‘New' Challenge for Education? Reihe Inklusion und Bildung in Migrationsgesellschaften, Band 2, Springer VS., S. 221-235.
  • Panagiotopoulou, A./Rosen, L./García, O. (2017): Language Teachers' Ideologies in a Complementary Greek School in Montreal - Heteroglossia and Teaching. In: Trifonas, P./ Aravossitas, Th. (Eds.): Handbook of Research and Practice in Heritage Language Education. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag (https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-38893-9_26-1).
  • Panagiotopoulou, A./Rosen, L. (2017): Sichtweisen auf Mehrsprachigkeit von (migrationsbedingt) mehrsprachigen Lehrkräften - Ergebnisse einer international vergleichenden Studie. In: Oberlechner, M. et al. (Hrsg.): Migration bildet. Migration Educates. Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 159-177.
  • Panagiotopoulou, A. / Rosen, L. (2015): Professionalism and multilingualism in Greece and Canada: An international comparison of (minority) teachers’ views on linguistic diversity and language practices in monolingual vs. multilingual educational systems. Tertium Comparationis – Journal für International und Interkulturell Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft, 21 (2), 225–250.